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Contracted power: what it is and how to make the best choice

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When you sign an energy contract, it is extremely important to define the power you choose carefully, because a bad option can result in excessive (and unnecessary) electricity consumption, as well as causing constant failures in the home's electrical panel.

The contracted power is the total power available in your home. It is chosen by the consumer. The choice must be made depending on the electrical equipment used in the house.

The logic is simple: the greater the power contracted for the house, the greater the number of electrical equipment you can connect simultaneously. There is a specific price on the invoice for each power level.

There are 13 power options that can be contracted. The contracted power is measured in VA (Volt-Ampere). The contracted power levels have different powers, ranging from 1.15 kVA to 41.4 kVA.

However, in our country, the most common power levels are 3.45 kVA and 6.9 kVA (Kilovolt Ampere), which means having to make a somewhat complex choice.

Naturally, when selecting an option, we must take into account a simple rule: the contracted power must be sufficient to satisfy the aggregate power of the devices that are used simultaneously.

When should the contracted power be changed?

It is important to take into account that the installation's circuit breaker interrupts the electrical current in scenarios where the power of the devices connected together exceeds the contracted maximum.

In this context, the panel switches off. When this happens frequently, it means that there is an unadjusted contracted power, meaning that greater power will be needed to satisfy the aggregate power of the devices.

The opposite could also happen. Present a higher power than necessary. A scenario that is also problematic. When there is more power than necessary, it means you are paying more than you should.

The contracted power is not indexed to energy consumption. It consists of an independent installment, billed daily. Therefore, whenever there is higher contracted power, it always represents a higher price, even if few electrical devices are used.

If there are few electrical devices in your home being used simultaneously, it would be wise to consider reducing the contracted power value. This way, you will be able to save a few euros on your electricity bill, which at the end of the year could represent a good amount of money.

The value of the contracted power is shown on the electricity bill. It can be confirmed on any invoice, whether in physical or digital format. In this document, you will be able to assess whether it is really the most appropriate value for your daily needs.

How much power should you hire for your home?

The answer will always depend on the house, its contents, and the routines you have. As previously mentioned, the value of the contracted power must be sufficient to ensure the use of the aggregated power of the equipment simultaneously.So you have to ask what your habits are?

Naturally, if you have a fridge and freezer, work at home, with a computer, television and radio on, with a washing machine and dishwasher being used, you will need to have a high contracted power value to ensure the operation of the various equipment. electrical at the same time.

For example, if combined with this context we think about a typical winter day, you may still have to use the electric oven, microwave and electric heating simultaneously at dinner time.

If there are many children at home, “fed” with computers and televisions, then the situation does not improve. It is the simultaneous use of electrical equipment that must be taken into consideration when choosing the power to contract.

Read the full article here!

Source: Idealista

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